InterPleister is called the decorative Plaster Specialist of Almere with a reason

By decorative plaster we mean various products with different grain structures and grain thicknesses. Decorative plaster is known for its unprecedented range of options in colour and style. This finish is also scrub-, scratch- and impact-resistant.

From warm Baroque to a MODERN style with Spachtelputz, everything is possible and something beautiful can be designed for every interior. The hard grains of the decorative plasters make your wall impact-resistant and easy to scrub. Your walls will withstand a bump and you won't have to worry about your offspring damaging your walls.

NEW: the super sleek and even 1mm Spachtelputz.

We onderscheiden de volgende sierpleisters, kom ze bekijken bij InterPleister Stucadoors Showroom:

Decorative plaster inspiration and showroom

Bent u benieuwd geworden naar de vele verschillende mogelijkheden en kleuren van onze sierpleisters?

Take a look at our inspiration page, which features stylish photos of our projects, or schedule a no-obligation consultation in our showroom.

It is important to us that you make a good choice that fits perfectly with your living preferences and situation. On our website, you will experience that there are many different types of wall and ceiling finishes.

We warmly invite you to our Showroom to feel and see the various details and properties of our decorative plasters, smooth plaster, concrete look, concrete-ciré and all our other stucco finishes.

Here we can give you thorough explanations of the pros and cons of each finish. Inspired, we will advise you on our craft products.

We helpen je graag in onze stukadoor en gietvloeren SHOWROOM in Almere of Eemnes (bijna klaar)!

Want to know what we can do for you? Fill in the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Adjusted opening hours



LET OP: MAAK EEN AFSPRAAK zodat wij uitgebreid de tijd kunnen nemen om persoonlijke aandacht voor jouw woonwensen te kunnen geven.

Friday 13:30 uur - 17:00 uur
Saturday 9:00 uur - 12:00 uur

Openingstijden showroom

Op Afspraak 8:00 uur - 17:00 uur

Call us for an appointment

036-5374494 of 06-53180112

Mail us


Operetteweg 3E ,1323 VJ Almere
(Next to the police office)

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